3 Things to Know About a Line 2
Line 2 people are here to spend time alone exploring their genius.
Their genius lies within whatever they are naturally drawn to explore.
There are three key things to know about being a LIne 2.
1. Line 2 learns through their connection to themselves.
Line 2 people are here to go deep within themselves and learn about life and themselves by doing this.
To be able to do this, they need to have a lot of time alone.
The alone time is not for study or investigation as it is for a LIne 1. It is time for a Line 2 to just focus on what they want to do.
How do they know what to focus on? It comes naturally.
This line is the natural genius. They will be naturally drawn to things that they have a talent for.
Spending time alone allows them to really become an expert at their natural genius.
It is not necessary for them to do a lot of study, although this is not off the table!
The thing I find most interesting with being a hermit is that Line 2s truly cannot see their own natural talents! This is even when they are pointed out!
I remember having a conversation with a Line 2 (who is unaware of their design) and basically calling them out for something that they truly have a gift for. They entirely brushed me off.
Perhaps this is because I wasn’t the right person to call them out. It is more likely because he could not see his own giftedness.
The lesson to remember is that, while a Line 2 needs to be a hermit regularly, connecting with themselves does not usually allow them to see their own special magic. They need to allow others to do this form and be willing to accept it.
2. Line 2 has themes of shyness and aloneness across their life.
One thing that most Line 2s I have met or worked with struggle with is shyness.
It is this shyness that can sometimes keep them stuck in their hermit energy.
When someone recognises their natural genius, as they inevitably will, it can be sometimes feel easier for a Line 2 to reject their call out.
It can seem quite overwhelming to think about interacting with others around this area of genius that they have been recognised for. The level at which they remain stuck does depend on whether Line 2 is the conscious part of their profile (first number) and what other number it is paired with. For example, a 2/4 often has a push pull relationship between the two lines of their profile. The fact is that all Line 2s are paired with an interpersonal/transpersonal line.
Another aspect of life where this shyness and even loneliness can be difficult for them is in relationships. As with other parts of their life, a Line 2 has to be called out of their hermit time and into a relationship.
Once in a relationship, their desire for alone time can cause friction with their partner.
For those in a relationship with a Line 2, it is important to remember that the desire to be alone is no reflection on you! Accepting this is the only way forward. Find ways to embrace this!
Line 2s will always find time alone important, but it can also feel to them as though they lead a lonely life.
3. Line 2s are natural geniuses who are called out to share when this is seen.
The aspect of the Line 2s that is truly interesting is the way in which they need to be recognised and called out by others.
Line 2s are naturally able to do certain things.
For my father, he was naturally able to problem solve situations that would require him to make the solution. For others it will be something different.
A Line 2 is not able to truly see how unique their gifts are. This is why they are called out. Others desire to know how to do what comes naturally to a LIne 2.
There is a weird kind of energy at play here! A Line 2 will desire to engage with their genius alone. This is actually the only true way they can connect with this aspect of themselves.
They will have this feeling that they are unobserved.
There is a magic to the hermit energy that attracts the notice of others. Without being aware of it, hermit Line 2s are being seen. They are being seen by those who will benefit from their natural genius. But they will struggle to understand why people want to know about it!
Line 2s are here to benefit the world around them through their natural genius. If you are a LIne 2, follow your strategy and authority to decide when it is time to listen to others!
If you know a Line 2, you are lucky! They will enrich your life with their natural genius. Just remember to have patience with their desire to spend time away from everyone.
If you are a Line 2, know that it is important for you to spend time alone to renew yourself and connect with your essence. Then it is important to leave your aloneness at the right time for the right people. Do not get caught in the low energy of your line and stay hidden away and missing out on life!
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