Top 3 Gifts of your Defined Centres in your Human Design

Are you ready to embrace the gifts of your defined centres?

Do you know what impact they are having on you and on others?

Defined centres help you to feel a solidness that you just don’t get through the open and undefined centres. The transitory nature of the energy flowing through your openness means that you can often get swept up in the fears and negative thoughts from these centres. They are the easiest point through which you can be conditioned and through which your mind can mislead you.

Defined centres allow you to have a sense of your solidness – your humanness. They also allow you to feel like you. It’s these centres that we are talking about when we say things like – “Oh! That’s just who I am!”

They are a beautiful gift when we fully align with their energy. Here are my top 3 reasons to view them as an amazing gift!

1. Defined Centres have consistent energy flowing through them.

Defined centres have consistent energy flowing through them and to them. This is because they have a channel that connects each defined centre to another centre, making both ends of the channel defined. Through our life we come to trust these centres (and perhaps take them for granted) because their energy is always available.

Unless you are a Reflector, you will have at least two centres defined. This means that you have at least two places in your design that are always available and accessible to you energetically. You will have consistent access to the gifts (and the low energy states) of these centres.

One of the centres you have defined will also be your authority. Your authority will come from the centre that is considered most powerful on a specific hierarchy. The reason this centre needs to be defined is so that you have consistent and reliable access to your inner authority.

The other centres also contribute to how you present to others, and how you see yourself. Although, how we see ourselves can often be distorted due to the conditioning we have, particularly through our open or undefined centres. Despite this, one of the gifts of a defined centre is its consistent energy flow.

2. Your defined centres give you a feeling of consistency and stability.

It is through your defined centres that you are able to feel consistently yourself because energy is available in a reliable way through your definition.

Your defined centres also give you a sense of stability. Through open/undefined centres you are taking on the energy of others. This flow of energy is not consistent because it’s not your energy. The defined centres create energetic stability for you.

If you understand the specific gifts of your defined centres, you can begin to really empower yourself through working with the higher expression of them. Be aware, though, that these centres are gifts only when you are operating from a place of alignment with your design. You align to your true self when you follow your strategy and authority.

3. Your combination of defined centres indicate the gifts you are here to bring to the world.

Always remember that where you are defined, you share your energy with someone else who is not defined in that  centre. For example, if you have a defined Sacral Centre, you are sharing your life force and work force energy with those around you who have open/undefined Sacral Centres.

When we share our energy with others we are contributing to their learning and personal evolution. This can be a great gift to them.

Of course, what we bring may not always be in its highest expression. Even if it isn’t, we are still making a contribution to others’ learning.

Defined centres also show our greatest areas of strength. Because of the consistent energy within these centres, we get a chance to really empower ourselves. For example, having a defined Spleen Centre, gives you consistent access to your intuition (amongst other things). If you embrace this gift, you can bring this consistency into the world for the benefit of others.


Understanding our strengths and weaknesses through the lens of Human Design is empowering! Our centres are one of the major aspects of our design that can show us these lessons.

If you are ready to take the next step with your Human Design blueprint, let me know!

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